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Node.js API

Connecting to a database in Python

Import the database class.

import AlphaDB from "@w-kuipers/alphadb";

Initialize an instance and connect it to a database using MySQL credentials.

const db = new AlphaDB();
  host: "localhost",
  user: "user",
  password: "password",
  database: "database",

It might be a good idea to run this in an async function so that the connection can be awaited before any other methods are called.

const connect = async() => {
	const db = new AlphaDB();
	await db.connect({
	  host: "localhost",
	  user: "user",
	  password: "password",
	  database: "database",

Replace the credentials with your own. AlphaDB requires the user to have the following privileges: CREATE, INSERT, DELETE, SELECT, UPDATE, ALTER, DROP and REFERENCES.